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Businesses / ... / Switching Over

What does deregulation of the electricity market mean?

Since 2001, the Singapore government has progressively deregulated the electricity market in order to encourage and promote competition within the various players in the electricity market. By doing so, business consumers have more options to competitively priced electricity prices and packages that best meet their needs.

Under the deregulated market, contestable customers are free to choose independent electricity retailers, such as Senoko Energy and the type of contract that will best meet their business needs.

How do I know if my company is eligible to switch?

You will have previously received an official notification from SP Group if your company is eligible to apply for contestability.

If your average monthly electricity consumption is above 2,000 kWh (equivalent to a monthly electricity bill of at least SGD 400) and did not receive any notification, you may apply for contestability on your own accord. This application process is free of charge.

You will be eligible for contestability as long as you fulfill the following criteria:

• If your business monthly electricity consumption is above 2,000kWh

• If you have an existing contestable account and would like to apply contestability for the rest of your business sites

• If you have one or more existing business account that meets the prevailing 2,000kWh threshold individually or collectively

For your convenience, we will be pleased to assist you with the contestability application. You can call our Customer Solutions Specialists for assistance.

What are the choices for contestable business consumers?

If you are a contestable consumer, you can choose to purchase electricity from one of the following:

• From a Licensed Electricity Retailer (such as Senoko Energy).

• From the Wholesale Spot Market as a direct market participant.

• From the Wholesale Spot Market through the Market Support Services Licensee (MSSL) (which is currently SP Group).

What are the benefits of switching to Senoko Energy in the liberalised electricity market?

As a leading electricity supplier in Singapore’s electricity and energy market, Senoko Energy is committed to providing the best energy solution for our customers. Our team works hand in hand with you to understand your changing needs and provide your business with a diverse range of pricing options. We analyse your company’s operational needs and recommend you the product package best suited to your company’s usage patterns.

Without an electricity supply contract, customers are exposed to risks such as costly price spikes that can occur in the wholesale electricity market. We strive to protect your business from fluctuating electricity prices by managing the risks associated with the wholesale market.

Adopting a transparent approach, customers can be assured of excellent service quality coupled with a suite of services that centre around an efficient electricity supply to our customers.

To receive a competitive quotation from us, you may request for a quotation. Our sales professionals will contact you and work out a customised energy solution for your business.

How do I decide which product and plan is the best for my business?
Our standard electricity packages are listed in our Energy Plans page. To find out more or request for a custom quotation, you can contact our Client Relations Consultants. Our Client Relations Consultants will work with you to determine your business needs and recommend a product that will derive the best benefits for you.
How do I switch from SP Group to Senoko Energy?

We’re glad you have decided to make the switch to Senoko Energy! Simply fill out our contact form in order for our experienced sales team to reach out to you.

You will need to have these items ready:

• MSSL account number

• Front and back image of the approved signatory’s NRIC

• Your business profile or your most recent ACRA file

• Business contact and address

• Your past month’s electricity bill

• Address of premise to which electricity is supplied

How long is the switching process to Senoko Energy?

Upon receiving your signed application forms and supporting documents, your application can be approved as fast as 2 business days from the day you apply.

It will require around 30 business days for the process to be completed if there is a change of meter to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meter.

What is the difference between an AMI meter and a SRLP meter?

An Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meter allows for a more accurate reading as it reads electrical consumption every half hourly, whereas the SRLP meter are read by MSSL every 2 month.

Senoko Energy will absorb the $40 AMI meter installation fee for all first-time AMI meter users.

What is MSSL?
MSSL stands for Market Support Services Licensee and this role is currently fulfilled by SP Services. MSSL looks after the following: settlement of bills; meter reading; data management; and facilitating the transfer of customers from electrical retailers.
Why is MSSL under SP Services Ltd involved in my switching process from SP Services to Senoko Energy?
SP Services Ltd, a member of SP Group, is the Market Support Services Licensee (MSSL) providing Market Support Services such as reading of electricity meters, data management and facilitation the transfer of customers from electrical retailers. Once Senoko Energy has established the transfer, your meter reading data records will be provided to us from SP Services Ltd/MSSL.
Will there be a disruption in my electrical supply when I switch?

The way electricity is supplied to your premise will not change. No installation is needed at your premise to switch to Senoko Energy.

Unless there is a change of meter type, there will not be any disruption caused by a change of electrical retailer. For a change of meter, the disruption will be less than half an hour.

Do I need to provide a security deposit?
Depending on your business energy consumption, Senoko Energy requires a security deposit of approximately 1.5 to 2 times your average monthly bill amount. Review of security deposit is subject to the terms of your contract.